How The SCC Makes Decisions

The SCC makes decisions based on the below levels of discipline for spectators, players, coaches AND officials. Though the CMBA Participation Agreement guides all behaviours within CMBA, it is not how disciplinary decisions are made. These disciplinary decisions are made based on the Levels of Discipline and all factors involved. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. The Participation Agreement may be referenced, but it is not the determining factor or the guideline for decisions. 

The SCC Investigation Process

This process will generally be conducted by the SCC Liason but then it will not proceed in any order other than what is written here regardless of who is conducting the investigation. No information will be shared outside of this process. The SCC Chair, CMBA Office Rep, and/or the SCC Liason may have phone calls outside of this specific process as needed.
Step 1 Game report is received and has information deemed to violate CMBA rules. The Participation Agreement acts as a guideline for CMBA behaviour but a Game Report must provide information that clearly violated specific CMBA or FIBA rules in order to be followed up on.
Step 2 SCC Liason will send letter to the accused informing them of the accusation, potential penalty, and asking for a Game Report soliciting their side of the story and requesting any relevant video if available.
Step 3 SCC Liason sends a letter to the other priority parties (both coaches, both officials, both scorekeepers, gym monitors) asking for any information on the incident without leading in any way. For example: "Please provide any information on an incident that occured before/during/after ____________ game on ________________ date. Please provide any relevant video if available"
Step 4 FULL SCC will review all information submitted.
Step 5 SCC Liason may send a "suspension pending review" letter, if reports were not received on time, more detail is needed, or if there is new information introduced. This is to be used only in severe cases.
Step 6 The SCC will make a decision on the situation and send a letter through the President/Club Rep
Step 7 If the original report leads to other potential reports (ie. a false/mislead report investigation, a new investigation, etc) the SCC Liason will repeat Step 2-6.

The Levels of Discipline For General Members (Spectators, Coaches, Players)


The Levels of Discipline For Officials


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